Definition of Lake Titicaca
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2013
The Titicaca lake is a popular lake located in South America and that among other issues stands out for being the highest plausible lake on planet earth, 3812 meters. It even ranks number 19 in the world for its area, which is 8,562 square kilometers..
Specifically, Lake Titicaca is located in the Plateau of Collao, also called as Andean highlands or Titicaca plateau, in the Central Andes and between the territories of Peru and BoliviaIn other words, a portion of 4,772 square kilometers corresponds to Peru and about 3,790 square kilometers to Bolivia, 56 and 44% respectively.
It should be noted that this lake of Water Dulce is made up of two bodies of water that are separated by the Strait of Tiquina, on the one hand, the most important in size is called Chucuito and the other smaller one is named as Huiñamarca.
Regarding your weather, the Titicaca area is characterized by being one of the most extreme in the continent, although the temperature Annual average is 13 °. It has marked variations mainly determined by distance and the increase in height. For example, the rains are much more frequent between December and March and in the months of
winter decrease their frequency. Meanwhile, during the summer strong storms become recurrent over the lake, as well as in its surrounding area.The tributaries are those are those secondary rivers that flow into a central one, while, in the case of Titicaca, its main tributaries are: Ramis River, Llave River, Coata River, Huancané River and Suches River. These are born on the snow-covered peaks of the Andes.
And as regards the flora Y fauna the area is really very rich and original. On the wildlife side, it is possible to come across diving ducks, parihuanas, foxes, llama, vicuña, alpaca, guinea pigs, Andean cat, guallatas, trout, suche and chulumpi tiki. And the vegetation is one of the most important parts of the ecosystem of the place being around twelve species, among which stand out: the totora, the yana llacho, the purima, the duckweed.
Themes in Lake Titicaca