Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
The most frequent and general use attributed to the word limited is that which refers to small, scarce or reduced, that is, when you want to realize that something or someone has these characteristics, then, it is common that the term limited is used to talk about it.
As long as purpose of this we mentioned is that it is very common that when someone shows and shows little smart, short of understanding and with a very scarce participation of the reason to solve a problem or question is that the word limited will be used to refer to him / her.
On the other hand, the term limited is used to account for some concepts that correspond to other areas but are linked to their reference.
For example, at the behest of the business world, the concept of society of responsibility limited, which refers to that society of type trade in which the social capital It is divided into social shares of different or equal value, which are called social shares and in which the responsibilities of the partners are closely linked to the capital they have contributed to it each one. That is, the greater the contribution, the greater
decision and vice versa.And another is the limited series, very common in contexts of consumption, since in this way those products that have been made and released for sale only in a finite and very small quantity will be called.
Limited Topics