Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2009
It is called as madness to all those behaviors of a person that are clearly deviated from those that are considered normal or as was well said a few years ago, those who present a clear deviation from the proposed norms in a community.
Normally the people who observe these are usually motivated and trapped by unhealthy behaviors. For example, a person who decides to set fire to the place where he lives out of nowhere, or for no reason kills a loved one, is plausible of being immersed and suffering from a picture of madness.
Although it is not correct, but in recent times the app from the term to them, in some places it is also often called crazy those people who are capable without presenting a conduct violent and borderline like the one I presented in the previous examples, but by the mere fact of dressing, speaking or think different from ordinary people, they are classified as crazy and doers of crazy things.
Many times, people with an extreme sensitivity
How can artists be able to dress and live in a transgressive way very different from other people or capable because their art is misunderstood or bastardized are usually objects of this denomination too, even without ever having been ignorant of or deviating from the proposed norms.The most characteristic symptoms that this type of people present are usually the following: loss of control, feelings they show themselves and express themselves more uninhibitedly, they do not attend to the dire consequences that actions can have, they lose the line or the boundary between those real questions and those that are not and it is also very common for these people to present a low communication with their environment and that they only express themselves through singing of nursery rhymes, rhymes or onomatopoeias.
The best way to treat a patient who presents the symptoms of insanity is as the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud proposed in his heyday, through the psychoanalysis and as is well done today, accompany that psychoanalytic treatment or therapy with some medication to alleviate it.
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