Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2014
The term that will occupy us in this review, undoubtedly, has a hyper-extended use in our language since it designates uone of the most common and currently used ways to communicate with other people who are not in the same physical space as us, or geographically close.
To carry out this type of call, it is necessary to have a telephone device, a fixed telephone device, or, failing that, a mobile phone. Then the corresponding number will be dialed and that way you can contact the person you want.
It should be noted that the aforementioned is the way traditional to make calls of this type, meanwhile, new technologies have brought us endless new alternatives when making calls.
One of the most widespread and used today is the one that allows a connection of Internet. Programs such as Skype, Viber or Line accessed via the web, allow users to call each other from computers to computers or via telephone mobile to another simile.
The invention of the telephone of course marked a before and after in this type of communication and recently new technologies marked another milestone allowing us calls to be channeled via Web.
On the other hand, the word called can be used in our language to designate the action of calling someone that does not necessarily imply the use of a apparatus telephone. For example, when you go to the doctor you should wait for the call from the professional in a waiting room. When it is your turn, the doctor will call you by his first and last name to enter the consultation.
In another context where the term is used with a special reference it is in the scope literary since those signs that at the behest of a text have the mission of clarifying or adding something about what is said, but elsewhere in the book, for example in the foot, it is called as call. That is, in this context the call is a warning, an alert, which is provided to the reader to appreciate this or that clarification.
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