Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2011
Objectify supposes target something, make that something independent of the subject. For example, to that idea or feeling that we have, we attribute a character objective, which will be absolutely independent with respect to the way of think or to feel of the subject.
In contrast to the aforementioned situation, we find the action of subjectify, which proposes the absolute opposite: to make things, ideas, feelings participate in our soul, be impregnated with our desires, our images and our feelings.
While, objective will be everything that belonging to the object itself, beyond the way of thinking or feeling that one has a person; that is, a person who transfers a library and confirms that it weighs ten kilos, such data will be objective information, it will never influence the opinion of a subject, because they are the laws of the physical which indicate that this is so, period, there is no assessment personal to that extent that is given.
Meanwhile, if the person who moves the same library says that she is very heavy, what she is doing is offering a piece of information
Or for example, someone comments about a kitchen sideboard that it measures 2.50 m. Such information is an objective data, the personal assessment of the subject does not come into play, on the other hand, if instead of it you comment that the sideboard is too high, here it is He will be offering his own vision of it, because for his situation it may turn out to be tall, however, for another case it may not be and it may turn out to be of a height normal.