Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The word official It is widely used in our language and as such we use it to account for various issues.
TO everything that comes from the state or a public bodyFor example, a document, a title, an act, among others, is designated as official. By case is that this term is in close relationship with the public and it is usual then that the concepts of public and official are used synonymously.
The word official is also used to refer to that which has the endorsement and recognition of the state or some body or organization that has the power to authorize it.
On the other hand, formerly and at the behest of medieval guilds, in those trades that were characterized by manual use, the person who had already completed the stage of learningAlthough, he is not yet a teacher. Official of bakery.
In addition, in the right canonical we find a reference for this word, being the official a judge that in charge of him will have canonical situations and themes.
And in the military field
It is where we also find a hyper-extended use of this word that occupies us, since that is how it is designated to the military who has a rank that ranges from that of second lieutenant or second lieutenant to any other that is ahead, even up to that of captain, either in the Armed Forces of a Nation or in the Forces of Safety.Meanwhile, the officer degree will be obtained after satisfactorily completing the apprenticeship in a School Military. Officers may be differentiated both by grade and by the position they occupy in the hierarchy military.
Their main functions include guiding lower-ranking personnel and giving them orders and instruction to these.
Although they are usually confused with the non-commissioned officer, it is worth mentioning that the latter is hierarchically in an intermediate position between the officers and the troops.
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