Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The term 'wave' is used to define any alteration that occurs on some type of matter that normally should have other characteristics. The wave usually has to do with the appearance of a movement continuous and propagated through the conduction of a certain type of Energy. The wave, unlike other alterations, is dynamic and is transported in space and time at the same time. In this sense, representation that is commonly associated with the idea of a wave is that which occurs in a portion of Water still when a drop falls or when a certain movement is generated.
If we stick to the definition of wave given by physical science (those that are perhaps the most common or easily observable in nature and in everyday life), we can say that waves can be present in different media such as water, electricity, the air, sound, light, pressure, magnetic fields or even a vacuum. The wave is characterized by presenting a wave vibration that begins at one point and continues its course until it collides with another. element, thus generating a permanent round trip that in some cases can calm down until it disappears and in others keep.
On the other hand, you can also define o describe what a wave is according to the segments that compose it. Here we must mainly mention the alternation of ridges and valleys, the former being the highest peak of the wave and the latter the lowest peak. In addition, we must also consider the importance of amplitude or distance that is generated between one peak and another, the frequency or number of cases in which the vibration is generated again. Finally, the period is the time that exists between the presence of one ridge and the other.
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