Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2015
Machining of objects and elements of gold, silver, alloys. A true handicraft
Goldsmithing is a manual activity carried out by a professional specialized in the matter and that consists of carving objects or utensils made of materials such as gold, silver, alloys and other precious metals.
Without a doubt it is a art and whoever does it is an authentic artist since it is a manual work in which the design fine and original are the protagonists of the piece.
The most important and oldest art in object decoration
The art of goldsmithing is one of the oldest that human beings have developed and is still today one of the most important when it comes to decorating objects and elements.
The first antecedents are located at the end of the Neolithic stage and the material used was copper, then gold, silver and gold would gain ground. bronze. Diadems, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, among others, were the products that adorned the goldsmith of those initiation times.
Main techniques
Throughout history, of course goldsmithing evolved not only in the use of new materials but also in the techniques, among others the fusion, the hammering, beating, cutting, gilding, assembling by welds.
Uses in religion and politics especially
At present, they are the fields of religion and the politics those that most demand the services of the goldsmith. In the religious case, items are demanded that will later be used to decorate churches (lanterns, chandeliers, crosses), to adorn the images or figures of saints and also some already emblematic ones such as the cups where the chalice and the hosts are contained, almost always they are finely carved by the work of a goldsmith.
And in the case of politics, those elements that are used at the request of the assumption of a command, such is the case of the presidential baton, and Likewise, many other objects that the presidents give to visitors from other countries are made by notable and traditional goldsmiths.
It is common that when an agent travels to visit a nation friend, or when another colleague comes to her country, they exchange indigenous objects, and then many times, they are made by goldsmiths.