Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2013
The word opaque we use it very frequently in our language and in the language colloquialwhen we want to indicate that something or someone lacks brightness or turns out to be quite mediocre and lacking in talent, respectively. Tom Cruise's performance in his last movie was really opaque, it surprised me. The sideboard is opaque, you must wax it with a cloth and it will raise the natural shine of the wood.
Another use that presents this word at the behest of ordinary language is to indicate when something is boring or you don't have enough creativity. The new book Harry Potter was opaque to me.
And on the other hand, we also use the word opaque when it is necessary to indicate that a light does not pass through this or that body, for example, iron is an opaque material, since if it is placed in front of the sunlight, it will cover it, it will not let it pass.
It should be noted that the quality of opaque is called opacityFor example, when an object or a material does not allow the passage of light through them, they will be determined by the aforementioned quality, that is, they block the passage of light completely. That of opacity is a typical optical property that matter has and that can also occur at different levels, that is, to a greater or lesser degree of opacity.
Meanwhile, the concept antagonistic opaque is transparent, that precisely proposes the opposite, that which is translucent and that then allows objects to be seen through it with great clarity; and also those people who turn out to be easy to decode and predict are often described as transparent.
A paragraph apart deserves the use symbolicthat is normally attributed to this concept, or since by its reference it is used to express emotions as the sadness and melancholy.
Themes in Opaque