Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
A opponent it is that person who opposes another in any matter, matter, discussion or conflict.
Person who opposes another in any context
For example, the concept is usually applied in various contexts and areas such as: the sport, the politics, the philosophy and ideas, among others.
Meanwhile, an opponent is also often referred to as a rival, adversary, opponent, competitor, antagonist or enemy.
The opponent will always be in a confrontational situation, in the antipodes, let's say, to our position or whoever it may be.
So much so that there will be no agreement, and even more, they will compete to impose their force or authority in whatever.
As the definition well maintains, that opponent will be anyone who opposes another, regardless of the field that is try, it is a reality that in sports and politics is where we mostly hear about he.
The need for the political opposition to exercise control of the official party
Regarding politics, it is known as opposition
to the parties or legislative or deliberative bodies that normally criticize and profess against the measures or actions that lead to the government of their country, that is to say, when in political terms we speak of opposition, we are talking about the sector opposed to turn.Meanwhile, all those members of those parties that oppose the ruling party or others, as a consequence of the ideals they hold, will be called opponents.
“Julio Cobos is one of the main opponents that Argentine President Cristina Fernández will have to face in the next presidential elections..”
The political opposition is usually attributed a decisive role in controlling the ruling party.
When there is no opposition in any country, certain risks are run of excesses of power or acts of corruption that affects the interests of the people, basically, because there is no one who is controlling what the government.
Now, just as we say that the opposition is essential to guarantee democracy and transparency in government, it must be characterized by its rationality and good judgment when exercising this role. It should always do so from a constructive and non-destructive point of view of the institutions.
Opponents in sport and violence
And as for sports, whatever the sports contest, football, tennis, boxing, volleyball, basketball, hockey, among others, will be opponents those players who belong to the opposing team to face on the competence.
Although the rivalry that inevitably arises between the opponents must remain and be limited only to the field in which it is generated, political or sports, unfortunately, it is a reality that many times it transcends these areas and the opponents confront each other in physical terms, or attack each other using questions that have nothing to do with what they are for. opponents.
It is also recurrent that rival factions, opponents of a team or a competitor, face each other at the behest of the competition. Sometimes the expression of that opposition remains in the verbal, the songs and the breaths, but it is also a reality that on other occasions it The opposition goes beyond the normal limits and then ends up leading to serious physical attacks that injure, injure and can even reach kill.
It is on soccer fields where this is most often appreciated. violence between opponents.
Pitched battles that take place outside or inside the stadiums between the opposing factions and that unfortunately tarnish the sporting competition and usually end with victims.
Because it is a reality that there are many people who do not understand that they can settle their differences in a civilized way, through dialogue and They do it in an elemental and violent way through physical force and also using firearms or white weapons that cause very serious injuries and deaths.
Themes in Opponent