Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2014
Theliterary figures They are great allies of the literature when it comes to presenting the words of our language in a totally exceptional and unusual way. And we say in literature because it is precisely in this task where they shine the most and achieve the effect that they propose.
Meanwhile, the concept that concerns us now precisely designates one of those many figures literary. The oxymoron is a Figure of speech that is inscribed within the great group of figures of thought, because they precisely affect the meaning of the terms, and especially in the category of logical figures, because their purpose is to establish a logical relationship between the ideas that are proposed in a same text, being the relation of opposite, contrast, or antinomy, the classic proposal of this type.
Because the oxymoron uses two opposing concepts to generate another concept that has a new meaning and a metaphorical content, which will demand an interpretation in this same sense on the part of the receiver.
Now, we must point out that this literary figure always works satisfactorily with the application of a sense metaphorical because otherwise, if it were taken literally, it would not make sense what is said and it would be decoded as incoherent.
Poetry, for example, is a great employer of this type of literary figure. His kisses felt like an icy fire in parting, is a clear example of this that we marked, two concepts that are opposed such as fire and ice cream to give the reader or receiver a metaphor for that mixture feelings, sadness and love, which they felt when saying goodbye, for example a loved one.
It is also worth mentioning that this literary figure allows the author to express certain ideas, sarcastic and ironic feelings, through a expression that a priori seems little logical.
It is also important that we mention that the oxymoron is not confused with the antithesis and the paradox, something that usually happens. The first contrasts phrases or terms that have a different meaning and the second refers to a contradiction of something.
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