Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2015
The concept of Oscar is widely used in our language to designate one of the Most popular and important awards, if not the most, in the film industry. Undoubtedly, for most actors, receiving an Oscar is the highest honor and recognition they can achieve in their race.
They are popularly called the Oscars and are delivered by the Hollywood Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, United States, with an annual periodicity and within the framework of a lavish ceremony attended by nominees and celebrities from the world of the movie theater, the tevé and the music, among others.
Towards the end of the 1920s, when the film industry achieved a phenomenal boost, the award began to be presented, and over time its importance grew.
But not a single Oscar is awarded but there are several that are given on the day of the award given that the organization divides the awards by categories and this is how they are awarded among other issues: Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best production, best foreign film, among the most important and which are undoubtedly the most attention they wake up in the public and the press.
The Hollywood Academy selects from the production of the year those it considers the most outstanding in each heading and then some time before the award ceremony he announces at an event that is broadcast on television to the nominees category by category.
Of course, the award ceremony is also televised to the entire world by the huge expectation that generates and is always animated by actors or conductors of trajectory, among the presenters most remembered for their performances are Billy Cristal, Steve Martin and Ellen De Generes.
But there is also a reverse side that we cannot ignore and that is that along with the importance they hold, they awaken a enormous controversy as a consequence of those productions and artists that are left out because the Academy does not I consider. Then, the detractors of the term take care of making it known and certainly great conflicts are generated pre and post delivery of Oscars, for those excluded and for those who did not end up winning the award, respectively.
Oscar themes