Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Jun. 2016
The term B2B (read with the English pronunciation bi you bi) is an acronym that refers to the buildingbusiness to business, from business to business.
It is a term frequently used in the technology sector to refer to those applications (programs IT), services and initiatives aimed at materializing and streamlining commercial transactions between Business.
Must think that, in addition to the logical relationship between company (or business) vs. client, companies also work with each other, either as suppliers to each other, as clients, or collaborating.
A term that has evolved with time and technologies
Initially, the term B2B referred to transactions in Format Electronic communication between large companies that occurred when making purchases and sales between them, usually within the framework of a supplier-customer relationship.
Of course, at the time when the term was born (the seventies of the last century), electronic transactions were only available to a few multinationals.
Technology has evolved, every day to greater velocity, and currently any company of any size (including self-employed workers within the definition of a company) can trade with companies that are located on the other side of the world, without meeting them in person or even having ever spoken with them directly if not through of email.
The definition of B2B today: a little bit of everything... between companies
It is precisely thanks to the multiple possibilities it provides Internet, that the term B2B has come to be defined in a broader way, focusing on the operations that take place through the network.
In its definition, it includes, for example, services to companies that want to buy, such as shopping portals joint ventures, as well as the entire range of banking and financial services offered online to finance these operations.
It is difficult to cite improvements that are original when it comes to the use of the Internet in commercial operations, but basically what B2B brings to businesses and shops is:
- Faster, when the supplier company or partner one click away
- Greater flexibility, by being able to deal with it in various ways, starting with e-mail and audio / video conferencing (Skype, for example) to online banking
- Greater possibilities, as the Internet is a ocean in which to “fish” suppliers even from the other side of the world without having to travel or meet them in person
- Savings on all senses, both in time and money. We save ourselves having to travel to fairs and events (if we want to; they are still a good place to make contacts) and we can also do without plane, train and hotel tickets to meet our suppliers
Photos: iStock - pixdeluxe / PeopleImages
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