Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2012
The word orthocenter is a term that is used exclusively within the scope of the Geometryand refers to that Point of intersection in which the three altitudes of a triangle. That is, in the orthocenter the three heights of a triangle are cut off. It is symbolized from the lyrics H capital letter.
The triangle, on the other hand, is a polygon defined by three lines, which are cut two by two at three points that have not been aligned; the points where the lines meet are called vertices and the portions of the line that are determined are the sides of the triangle.
It should be noted that the orthocenter is not at all an insignificant issue since, for example, any three lines taken in pairs will be cut at three points On the other hand, in the case of triangles, the heights intersect at the same point and that is very simple and easy to demonstrate from precisely the orthocenter.
When the triangle is acute angle, that is, its three interior angles are less than 90 °, the orthocenter will be the
incenter of orthic triangle, which is the one that presents as vertices at the foot of the three heights, that is, the projections of the vertices on their sides. Meanwhile, the incenter, symbolized from the letter I, will be that point at which the three bisectors of the interior angles of the triangle intersect and creates the circumference inscribed in the center of the triangle in question.On the other hand, if the triangle is rectangle, the one that has a right angle of 90 °, the orthocenter will coincide with the vertex of the mentioned right angle.
And if it is a obtuse triangle, when one of its interior angles is obtuse, that is, greater than 90 ° and the other two measure less than 90 °, the orthocenter will be located outside the triangle.
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