Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Jun. 2015
A banner is an advertisement that is set on a segment of a Web page and that is characterized by showing some type of graphic or animation. In this way, a banner is distinguished from the so-called advertising contextual, advertising characterized by changing according to the content of the page and that generally refers to a textual message, lacking in major elements.
The banner can have a verbal message, but as we said it can also involve drawings, animations or stylized letters; on the other hand, the banner remains fixed in your message regardless of the contextual content, the content that surrounds it.
The banner as a form of advertising
Advertising in Internet has grown enormously in the last decade, it is without a doubt a business that moves millions of dollars and that enables numerous websites to generate economic resources. There are many ways to implement the same, being the banner one of the oldest. In this way, a banner will show a message, a graphic or an animation, which when accessed will take us to another website, usually the advertiser's site. In this way, a banner allows traffic to be derived from one site to another, causing a percentage of visitors to the page where it is hosted to be channeled to another.
On sites with similar themes
It is important to note that the thematic of the two sites involved is usually similar. Indeed, a traffic that is little interested in the website to which it is derived would be of little use, hardly having any commercial activity significant in it, the idea behind this situation is to try to attract qualified traffic, that is, interested in a certain topic.
Banners are ways of attracting the attention of an audience that already has some degree of interest in the content to be shown.
Periodic payment
To end, It should be noted that the sponsor usually pays a periodic fee for the display of the banner, a fee that depends on several factors, such as the degree of traffic that the website in question has, the theme of the site where the banner is placed and the size of the banner.
There must be a clear benefit for the advertiser to be willing to have a dispensing of money, an outlay that in many cases can be significant. This type of situation is directly related to the rise of the web for business in recent years, a boom that will undoubtedly continue in the future.
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