Definition of Energy Drink
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2017
As its name indicates, an energy drink is one that has the purpose of providing a sensation of greater vitality and Energy. These drinks are usually consumed between population younger for the purpose of feeling better or more awake during party nights. Some people also take them to avoid sleep or as a supplement to sports activity.
A drink under suspicion
They are high in sugar, as well as caffeine, taurine, and L-carnitine. All of these ingredients mixed together are intended to increase the levels alert in the nervous system. Despite this, the combination of these ingredients on the body does not have a greater effect than that of a simple cup of coffee.
If consumed in large quantities, these drinks can cause long-term cognitive problems, as well as heart problems, liver disorders or seizures. Because of this, in some countries energy drinks have been banned.
Some students and people who work long hours consume these drinks to feel better, but according to scientific studies the health risks are obvious. The main reason for its potential harmful effect lies in the high amounts of caffeine, which are three times higher than other caffeinated soft drinks or the coffee itself.
These drinks produce an increase in energy bodily, but it is a false energy. In this sense, the taurine they contain is stimulating and in itself is not harmful to health, but combined with caffeine it is harmful to the body.
Natural energy drinks
Certain completely natural drinks cause a reactivation of the organism and do not have any side effects. Thus, the mango and banana smoothie is a combination with a lot of fiber and vitamins and this favors muscle recovery and helps the mood. The smoothie of vegetables green leaf is a drink with antioxidants, which help combat stress, mental fatigue and physical exhaustion.
The carrot and orange smoothie is ideal to start the day with energy. On the other hand, some protein combined with fruits they also increase physical and mental vitality. In this sense, natural alternatives have less carbohydrates and a lower glycemic index than energy drinks.
Photos: Fotolia - Angkritth / Irochka
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