What is Inorganic Trash
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The garbage is composed of all those waste that result from the products and materials that we use in our daily activities, while, when they no longer provide that utility, they are discarded by throwing them in a container specially designed for effect.
But it should be noted that not everything we call garbage has the same origin and that is why there is a classification of the same that is closely linked with the impact that it can have in direct contact with living beings and the environment.
For example, inorganic garbage, which is the one that will occupy us, it will be everything that waste that does not have a biological origin, that is, it does not come from a living organism directly but comes from the industrial environment or is the result of some non-natural process. Industrial-type products such as bottles, plastics, among others, are an example of this type of garbage.
Likewise, this group of wastes includes those discarded sanitary materials. Thus, all the elements that are used in hospitals or health care centers such as:
cottons, bandages, gauze, needlesAmong the most recurrent, they are considered inorganic waste.And then, like the rest of this type of garbage, they must be carefully evacuated, in closed bags, separated from, for example, the organic trash and if possible with an identifying legend to avoid its future manipulation and consequently its indiscriminate dissemination, which in many cases turns out to be highly dangerous due to the contamination and the risk to Health that it entails.
The essential characteristic and what makes it a type of waste of care, is that inorganic waste does not degrade from natural means and takes a very long time to do so.
It is very important that people become aware of the importance of classifying garbage not only to prevent dangerous garbage from affecting our quality of life, but also to recycle that garbage that can be reused for its raw materials, such is the case of organic garbage (it comes from organisms alive).
Inorganic Trash Issues