Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2012
The word blessing is the term we use to designate that expression wish of a kindly type that is professed to a person or a group with the clear intention that such wish is actually fulfilled. “I hope you do excellently well in this afternoon's exam.”
Manifestation of desire that is addressed to someone and that wants the desire to be fulfilled
It should be noted that the blessing is a wish that in our culture has a special presence and meaning because on it good omens are deposited for those we love the most.
The omen of good fortune almost always comes from the one who is attributed a special gift when it comes to making those wishes or plans finally come true.
The blessing of objects and places is very common, in addition to that of people, and is often associated with the beginning of a new stage in a new place or space.
They are generally made in the name of a divinity and it is taken as a very clear act of faith.
Wait for the blessings of loved ones to continue the plans
Between parents and children, especially from the first to the second, blessings are often very present, since It is common for children to expect the blessings of their parents in those important activities or projects that they face in their lives.
There are people who are not capable of carrying out a draft or plan if they do not have the blessing of their parents or that person they have as a reference.
Obviously this is a very subjective question but it is common to appreciate it in our culture, the one who hopes to receive from a person important to him to bless him in what he proposes perform.
In the past it was very common for the couple before getting married or moving forward with the marriage project seek the blessing of their corresponding parents to take that fundamental step in their lives personal.
It should be noted that this custom has become obsolete in today's society in which marriages are not abundant and de facto unions do exist without formal papers, that is, without passing for him civil registration.
But in some families with uses and traditions traditional and conservative, this blessing is important and many times it depends on the realization or not of the marriage.
Religion: practice that a priest exercises and that invokes divine protection for someone or something
On the other hand, in the Catolic religion, we find a prominent presence of the concept of blessing, since it turns out to be a extremely common practice whose mission is the invocation of divine protection on persons, things or matters; generally, it is taught by a authority ecclesiastical, such is the case of a priest or a bishop, who will make a special gesture with his hand extended over the things or people to bless.
In the tradition Jewish, likewise, the blessing is a common practice, and with the Catholic religion they coincide in the fact that it has a reciprocity between God and men, and vice versa, since God provides material goods and good actions and then man must thank them.
A classic custom at the tables where the faithful of these religions meet is the blessing of the food and drink that is served. It will be ingested and that is carried out by a priest or by the family leader before the preparations begin to be tasted culinary.
For its part, the expression be a blessing, which precisely contains the word that concerns us, turns out to be a phrase that is widely used in our language and is usually used in the language colloquial when you want to realize that or that which is very good, or in the defect of it that is large in its category. “After so much suffering, this baby arrives as a blessing.”
Meanwhile, the concept that directly opposes blessing is that of curse, which just proposes the opposite, the expression of desire for something bad to happen to something or someone.
Of course there is a clear evil disposition on the part of one who curses another in something.
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