Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2014
The one of benevolent is a qualifying term, which is used precisely to qualify that person who in his action, act, shows benevolence.
Benevolence is an inclination, quality, that some people present and that leads them to show themselves before a fact or person, among other alternatives, in a comprehensive way and with tolerance.
It is considered a quality precisely for this reason of the understanding and the tolerance it implies. Because undoubtedly understanding is a positive capacity through which, whoever possesses it, is able to understand the things or the actions of the people that happen around him, even many times even the most incomprehensible.
And obviously it does it much easier and naturally than others that do not have this inclination in their favor.
When something happens or event conflictive, what demand from a person a return or response, it may be aggressive, or be on the opposite side, and it will precisely be the latter that will give or will have the benevolent, who is characterized by tolerance and understanding of him, even as we said in the most uncomfortable or extreme circumstances.
Put in more popular and simple terms, the benevolent is the one easily recognizable because he shows good Will towards his peers, the neighbor, who surround him. And therefore it is that the concept of benevolent people associate it with a lot of normal to concepts like those of goodness and do good without looking at whom.
Philanthropy and solidarity actions of any kind are always promoted and directed by benevolent individuals. And this is so precisely because of what we explained above, because they have a special and spontaneous predisposition that guides them to carry out actions that always take into account the happiness on the other, provide it for example in some sense or take as much action as possible to help those who need it most.
In the benevolent there is in no way an option to do something that does not have good as its ultimate goal, doing good will always be the primary objective and of course to stay totally away from evil or from the deployment of behaviors or behaviors that stand out for their violence or lack of tolerance.
Themes in Benevolent