Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
We call wedding to religious or civil ceremony through which human beings celebrate the beginning of the marriage. The wedding will formalize the union between two people before a authority which will regulate and regulate the procedure and will also generate contractual commitments between the two parties that subscribe to it.
Religious or civil ceremony through which the marriage is celebrated
The wedding ceremony is composed of several parts, which may vary from one rite to another, in any case, the most traditional are the following: presentation before the authority that celebrates it, be it a priest, in the religious wedding or a judge, in the civil one, manifestation of the bride and groom for contracting the contractual relationship, exchange of alliances and nuptial vows.
Meanwhile, a paragraph apart, they deserve the infinity of traditions and superstitions that exist around weddings, especially in the case of religious celebrations... next we will deal with some of the most popular ...
Rites, uses and customs
The attire that the bride and groom will wear turns out to be one of the key and most relevant issues of any wedding along with the choice of the venue for it.
The bride must wear a wedding dress, generally in white, although in recent times we have seen transgressing the rite using other colors, although yes, a bride should never wear black, because the color is closely linked to the mourning.
But yes in this way innovation that is lived at the behest of wedding dresses, today you can see the most avant-garde outfits to the most classic ones, that is, for today's brides everything goes in terms of design and colors, less of course the color black, nobody will ever think of that madness no matter how the decades go by and it evolves.
In the case of the groom, the traditional is the use of jaquet, or failing that, a classic evening dress, which does not usually go beyond the traditional blue, gray or black colors.
In the bride, in addition to the dress, there are other elements that cannot be missing and that make up the outfit and presentation of her, such is the case of a bouquet that she will carry in her hands, which will accompany her during the celebration of the formal wedding and that later in the party she will take on a leading role because there is a rite that instructs that the bride must throw him back to a group of women who will be arranged behind her, who must stop him when she she threw it.
The tradition He says that whoever takes it will be the next woman to marry, for example, is that the wedding guests who are single, divorced or widowed should approach this ritual, why not ...
Another issue that is part of the bride's styling is the hairstyle, it is as looked at as the dress, while there are usually some conventions in this regard, such as: loose or collected hair that may be accompanied by a headdress of flowers, a tiara, among others accessories.
Godparents, that the groom does not see the bride before the wedding, and gifts ...
Both boyfriend and girlfriend must choose at least a godfather and godmother who will have the mission of accompanying them during the formal celebration, positions that are usually assumed by the respective parents, that is, the bride enters the church of the hand of her father, while the groom waits for her at the altar next to her mother who is also godmother. The role of the best man of the bride occupies a special role in the celebration since he will be in charge of bring her into the church by her arm, while the groom awaits her at the altar with the priest and the others godparents.
A condition to respect, whatever the rite, is that the groom does not see the bride before the day of the wedding, much less dress her, the fact that he sees her or her her dress is an indicator of bad luck for the marriage, or for now that is what most of the superstitions that revolve around weddings indicate.
Wedding gifts are also a fundamental part of this celebration, friends, family and all those invited to the celebration of a wedding should entertain the bride and groom by giving them a gift, generally objects and pieces related to the new home that will open.
Nowadays it is customary for the bride and groom to open a wedding list in a furniture, electronic or appliance business. gifts in general, so that the guests can choose the gift they want to make according to their possibilities.
And also a modality that has become very fashionable in these times as a consequence that most of the bride and groom already live together so they already have a home armed with furniture and appliances, is the opening of a bank account in which guests can deposit the value they want and They can, and then the couple, will use these funds for their honeymoon, to hire a trip, or to cover the expenses that the same carries.
Wedding Themes