Definition of Emergency Brigade
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2014
The brigade of emergency It's that one group of professionals belonging to a force from safety and that they are organized and prepared to intervene before a risky event or, failing that, before the contingency of a tragedy powerful to lessen its consequences.
In other words, basically, an emergency brigade is an elite body that has the preparation and the resources to participate in a chaotic situation.
Brigades of this type may act in scenarios such as fires, gas leaks, explosions, landslides, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, attacks or some criminal act, among others.
As we already pointed out at the beginning of the review, the individuals that make up the emergency brigade must have adequate training in order to be able to intervene efficiently in the indicated accidents.
Meanwhile, we must mention that the action of the brigade is supported by three fundamental pillars that must act in a coordinated manner: first aid, evacuation and search and rescue of people.
Having knowledge of first aid is one of the requirements of the members of this brigade and by any case none of them, without exceptions, lacks them. In most of the scenarios that we mentioned above, and that it is up to this body to intervene, injured people must be cared for and then one must know how to do it, give them the first attention and care and then according to the cases refer them to the health care centers that best attend to their case clinical. The first aid kit should never be absent with all the elements and utensils that precisely allow efficient care in every sense.
Another of the actions carried out by this body is the evacuation of those sensitive areas affected by the accident, for example, in the event of landslides or danger of them, they must organize the exit of all the people and prevent other people from entering that place of risk.
Also in this sense they should know streets or safe exit routes to make evacuation more agile.
And finally, in some accidents it is necessary to rescue and search for people who were trapped in a space or under the rubble. Training in this regard is also crucial as they must know how to move in a sensitive area, avoiding putting their lives and those of people in danger at risk.
Issues in Emergency Brigade