Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The concept of donkey designate the one quadruped animal, which belongs to the family of equidae, a situation that makes it the owner of the typical characteristics of this family such as: high crown teeth that allow it to graze and uproot grass to feed, arrangement of a single finger on each of its legs, which appears covered by a hoof, and a manifestation Mostly social, which makes it a very docile animal at the time of its domestication and at the urging of life in community with other peers.
Quadruped mammal, which is part of the equine family, and which has been used to transport people and goods thanks to its docility
This animal has traditionally been associated with work, nobility, and force because precisely it has been used to work the land, to transport people and goods and as a means of locomotion in the hovering of America.
Also called as equus africanus asinus or ass, it is known that the ascendants of the donkey would have been domesticated by man back in the
5th century BC, almost on a par with their "cousins" the horses, to be used mostly in loading and handling tasks. transport of people.Physical characteristics
The standard size of donkeys is between 0.9 and 1.4 meters, up to the so-called cross, although there are some species, such as the Andalusian-Cordoba, or the Catalan, which can reach 1.6 and even 1.65 meters in high.
The coloration is also oscillating in donkeys, because although the donkey is traditionally gray, we can find shades that are close to white, black, and brown.
It should be noted that its color becomes much lighter around its nose and on the back it is normal to appreciate that the Donkeys have two stripes that are darker in relation to the base color of the coat and that make up the figure of a cross.
The manes are not like those of the horses that lie on their necks, but they are much shorter and more curly.
Another difference with respect to horses is that they are much longer-lived and can live up to forty years.
One of its most distinctive physical signs is, without a doubt, big ears that allow you to hear sounds at really great distances.
On the other hand, the fact of having adapted to life on the edge of the desert makes them capable of supporting themselves and without the need to be immersed in a herd.
The traditional way that the donkey has to defend itself is by kicking very hard with its hind legs, For example, it is that a phrase that precisely alludes to it has become popular and that is widely used in the language colloquial: "What can be expected of a donkey more than a kick", and that then we use when we want to refer that someone behaved in a rude way with us.
Danger of extinction due to poor care and cruelty with which man treats him
Although the donkey is one of the most powerful and resistant equines when it comes to work on earth, there is a great threat and a certain perspective on your danger of extinction as consequences of the cruel exploitation to which man subjected him, who precisely should have protected him by accompanying him at work ...
In addition to this is added the factor that man has not been too busy promoting his reproduction despite having been one of the animals that helped him, in America, to free each region.
It is estimated that there are only about 50 million donkeys and mules left in the world.
In Europe, unlike what has happened in America, it has been given greater protection at the behest of sanctuaries and zoos, even farms have been created specialized so that they live, but for example in Mexico and eastern countries, it is still used for forced labor and transport of people without the corresponding breaks and cares.
Card game
This term also designates a card game that consists of discarding them in each play because the loser is precisely the one who is left with cards in hand; also the one who loses in each hand of this game is called a donkey.
Foolish, ignorant or violent person
And in common parlance, the term donkey is normally used to designate that individual who is characterized by his stupidity and ignorance, for being brutal or very violent. “You are very donkey, you can not ignore that today we celebrate the day of the fatherland.”
Other uses
Also, in the current use of many Spanish-speaking countries, various meanings are attributed to this word, such as: drug, stepladder, ironing board; and phrases such as: donkey: to designate that person who suffers at work because they are given heavy activities, get off the donkey: when someone recognizes a mistake, and does not see two or three on a donkey: to realize that someone has a very bad view.
Donkey Themes