Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2013
The concept of bulla has a special and very relevant use in the field of Catholic Church since with him the document pontificate issued by the Apostolic Chancellery of the Papacy and in which it pronounces and presents its point of view on certain matters of great importance in religious or civil.
It should be noted that the papal bull or papal bull, as it is also called, is one of the most important tools with which the authority of the Supreme Pontiff.
Meanwhile, the issuance of the bull is usually accompanied by a series of very solemn elements and signs that help to legitimize it, such as: the lead seal with a cross in the center and the representation of Saint Peter and Saint Paul On one side and on the opposite side appear the name of the Pope who issued it and the corresponding year; it is generally written in the Latin language.
Historically bulls have expressed the position of the church respect issues as well as ordinances, doctrinal condemnations, constitutions,
concession of benefits, decrees that contain indulgences for those who fought the infidels or for people who had died, church trials, among others.Once the bull takes public status, it is sent to the archdiocese of the diocese who will be in charge of circulating it through all parishes and also enforcing it.
On the other hand, in the Ancient Rome, the term bull was used to designate the medal worn by those born in families of the nobility Roman until it was time to wear the toga.
It is also possible that we find expressions in popular use that contain the word in question: I can't with the bull, which allows us to express that at a given moment someone is not strong enough to undertake a given action. And for his part, have bull implies having a series of advantages and benefits to achieve something difficult compared to other competitors who do not have them.
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