Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2015
Someone with the ability or aptitude to perform a task or activity
The word suitable has a frequent use in our language, where we use it to refer that someone has the capacity or fitness when performing a task or activity. "The new employee is very suitable for the position."
For example, the word is used a lot as a synonym for concepts such as intelligent, skillful, capable.
Adequate, correct, convenient
And on the other hand, the word is used as a synonym for adequate, correct, suitable for this or that thing or situation. "Black is the ideal color for this reception."
Then, the word can be applied to both people and things, precisely to account for their capacities, abilities and convenience.
Training and preparation
Generally the best people to perform in a position labor or in the accomplishment of some task or job, they prepare for it some time before, that is, they study, they are formed in institutions specialized academics that will give them a basic and complete training so that they can develop professions or technical jobs, for example.
While of course there are some dispositions that people have naturally, innately, there are some that need to be learned and that is inevitably done by studying.
We are not born knowing all languages, we can only speak our native language and if we want to use another language we must learn it in the school. Meanwhile, many of these specific knowledge are those that can make a person suitable for the performance of a job or activity.
Selection of personnel and test to assess suitability
Companies that seek certain knowledge from an employee carry out a announcement in which they are specified and when the candidates present themselves, they must demonstrate through tests and interviews that they have this knowledge. Because it will be one thing that it is written on a paper like the curriculum vitae and another thing to prove it on a Work interview.
It is through interviews and selections that companies manage to hire the most suitable people for the positions they must fill.
Incapable, the opposite
The other side of suitable is one who proves incapable, inept before the request to carry out an activity or task.
Themes in Suitable