Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
Officially known as the Republic of Ecuador, this country is one of the smallest countries in Latin America, with an area of 256,370 square km and a population of a little more than 14 million. Ecuador is located northwest of South America, sharing territorial limits with the countries of Peru, to the southeast, and Colombia to the north. In addition, an important section of its border is delimited by the Pacific Ocean. There are the famous Galapagos Islands that are part of the territory Ecuadorian, recognized as one of the natural wonders of the world.
Ecuador is today a presidential republic, Quito being its capital (despite the fact that Guayaquil is the largest and most dynamic city in the territory, since colonial times). Regarding the territorial division of this country, we must point out that there are twenty-four provinces among which we can mention Esmeraldas, Loja, Imbabura, Galapagos, Pastaza, Sucumbios, Manabí, Pichincha (with Quito as capital), Charchi and Chimborazo between other The total territory of the country can be divided into four different regions in terms of its
geography: the coast is the lowest area, then there is the sierra or the highest altitude area, the Amazon area and finally the region comprised by the islands. Each of these regions has different climatic characteristics and biomes.The current territory of Ecuador was, prior to the arrival of the Spanish, part of the Inca empire, one of the most important empires in history. The traditions and traditions of this empire survived even after the territory was conquered and many of them can be observed today in the way in which its inhabitants live, especially in what makes to gastronomy, clothing, cultural and religious events.
The economy Ecuador is determined by access to different natural resources, among which oil is one of the most important. In addition, Ecuador obtains large resources fishing boats thanks to its extensive coastline. To this we can add agricultural plantations of tropical fruits and cereals, as well as important mining resources.
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