Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Oct. 2015
The eighteenth century is known by the name of the Illustration or the Age of Enlightenment. Reason and science became the new guide of mankind, but still the religion it had a strategic role in society. In this context arose a secret society that receives the name of Illuminati.
Is association founded in 1776 in Bavaria, which was then an independent duchy and is now a prosperous region of Germany. Its founder was Adam Weishaupt, a heterodox Catholic who had ties to Freemasonry and was known by his nickname, Spartacus, copied from the famous slave who rebelled against the Romans.
It is believed that the name of Illuminati is due to the fact that this group claimed to possess mysterious knowledge of a secret nature, so they understood that they were enlightened.
The Illuminati were gaining followers and some historians consider that they tried to exercise control over Freemasonry, something that they did not achieve. Its leader was forced into exile, as the Bavarian authorities understood that he was secretly promoting a
social change profound in a double sense: the weakening of the church in society and a new political order in which the monarchy lost its hegemony.The mystery of the Illuminati
Being a secret society it is not easy to know what its true aspirations are. However, from its origins it was suspected that the Illuminati were encouraging the political and social revolutions that occurred in Europe and the United States. In this sense, some historians argue that the independence of the USA was promoted by members of the Illuminati. It is stated that the symbol of the Illuminati is the all-seeing eye, a symbol that curiously appears on US dollars.
There is research that affirms that the Illuminati have spread throughout the planet and that one of their sources of intellectual inspiration is Lucifer.
The supposed plans of the Illuminati
While there is no certainty about the functioning and the structure of this secret organization, there are suspicions related to the plans of the Illuminati. First of all, they act through conspiracy. They are supposedly related to the great fortunes of the planet and to international banking. On the other hand, they have the aspiration to impose a new world order through a government central that would be presided over by an elite, the few who possess the enlightenment of knowledge, that is, the only truth.
Photo: iStock - agsandrew
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