Definition of Elementary Education
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2013
Regarding formal education, is known as education elementary to primary educationwhich is taught in specialized educational establishments at this level. It consists of the teaching students basic activities such as reading, writing, doing elementary calculations and apprehension of cultural concepts that are considered essential for the correct development of the person in the society.
Elementary education, also known as primary, basic education or basic studies, is located after the infant education and precedes secondary education, and tries especially to be a common formation that accompanies the development of the individual in all their levels, physical, emotional and psychic, providing of course basic knowledge and essential.
It should be noted that it is a mandatory educational stage throughout the planet.
To it, the student agrees between the ages of five and six and extends for six consecutive years, ending at the age of 12. All over the world it is necessary to have passed primary education in order to continue with the next educational level, which is secondary.
The school, school, is the establishment in which it is taught and which students attend to be taught, while they will be the teachers of the various subjects those in charge of teaching students the topics of their subjects according to what the study program indicates correspondent.
The approval of each grade, as the internal levels of elementary education are called, is achieved having satisfactorily approved it through oral or written evaluations, according to corresponds.
Although each country has a program that will be adjusted to its historical and cultural reality, some of the contents are standardized, among them: introduction to the alphabet, the phonetics and the rules for forming words, training the student's diction, approaching basic mathematics so that the student can recognize quantities and numbers, instruction civic, which will involve the teaching of national distinctiveness and identity from nation, among others.
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