Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2012
The word eco is a term widely used today to refer to a very important phenomenon such as ecology. The prefix echo comes from the Greek language in which oikos means home. Eventually the word became a prefix used to refer to planet Earth as our house and everything that happens in it at a biological, natural or geological level will thus be related to the idea of echo. In common language, eco is used to designate everything that is linked to sustainable practices and that are in the care of the environment as the main objective.
Today the prefix eco can easily be related to words like ecology, ecological, ecosystem. In all cases we speak of words that refer to nature and in the specific case of ecology, We are also pointing out a relatively new science or study that has as its objective the care and preservation of the half environment. This area of natural Sciences It arose at the end of the 20th century as a consequence of the increasing degradation of the natural space by human beings from their industrial activities. Ecology is then dedicated to finding solutions to those problems that can still be found. manage and prevent damage that is already irreversible from advancing or becoming more complex. For example, ecology can be so busy with work that an animal species in
danger of extinction recover their volume and number, as well as on new technologies that cause less or zero damage to the planet, about the different daily practices that one can carry out to improve the environment, etc.But in common language the prefix eco is usually used in isolation since it tends to be instantly related to this idea of ecology. Thus, it is usual to say that a person is an echo, or that an action is an echo, or that an event is an echo, always referring to the fact that that element or subject that is being talked about is taking into account the factors that characterize ecology and help care for the environment. Issues how to consume food responsibly and without resorting to industrialized products, reserve or not waste Energy, do not use means of transport polluting, leading a more natural lifestyle are all examples of actions that would normally be classified as "eco".
Themes in Eco