Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2011
The word inconexo is used when we want to give tells something or someone does not have a connection with a certain thing, situation, among other alternatives.
On the other hand, it is often spoken of disjointed account when a fictional or real story does not present coherence.
Meanwhile, it is a word that is normally used as a synonym for other terms, such as: incommunicado, isolated, disassociated, disunited, independent, isolated and incoherent, and also, these terms can be used, according to the context in question, as an alternative option to the word disjointed.
Y Connection turns out to be the term that is directly opposed to disconnection... A connection implies a link, a tie that unites one thing with another, while in addition, the word designates the action and the result of connecting.
It should be noted that the connections established may be of two types: physical or symbolic.
The connection is a concept that is often used to designate the union of ideas or interests and to designate friendships
Also, at the request of the telecommunications and computingThe use of the word connection is frequent, since the connection implies the successful link between a transmitter and a receiver through which a message. Both its characteristics and the velocity they will depend on the type of link and the technical characteristics of the connection in question.
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