Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2009
The term embassy designates the office in which an ambassador and the rest of the people who make up the diplomatic representation carry out the mission of representing their country in other Nation.
Also called a diplomatic mission by some, an embassy will be headed and directed by the person who holds the position of ambassador, generally, a person belonging to the same jointpolitics who runs their country and although it may not necessarily happen, because plenty of cases show it, both who runs it as those who help to carry out the mission they have studies in the field of diplomacy and foreign relations.
Under the wing of international right, the embassies enjoy what is called status extraterritorial, which implies that despite being settled in the territory of the Nation that welcomes them and acts as host, they are not subject to local laws and are considered and treated as part of the territory to which they belong and respond.
Among the main activities and tasks that an embassy must carry out are:
protect the interests of your country in the host nation always within the limits and what the right international, negotiate issues that the country of origin has pending with the host nation, promote friendly relations between both nations, fostering a spirit of constant exchange and brotherhood and in cultural, economic or scientific activities in which the country of origin sponsor them, actively participate in the development and organization of the same.But sometimes, unfortunately, the relations between two nations can be that as a consequence of some specific problem they wear out and enter conflict, meanwhile, in the aforementioned cases a preventive measure to avoid attacks or harassment or to demonstrate the existing disagreements, either of the two may decide to withdraw the ambassador from her or the entire mission of the territory.
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