Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
The word endearing allows us to account for what stands out for being something very intimate or super affectionate. My friends made me a video endearing for my birthday celebration. My maternal grandmother's ring is a I remember endearing that I treasure among my objects most precious.
Meanwhile, the word endearing may be applied to people, objects, symbolic elements and animalsTherefore, when any of these categories is being spoken of as endearing, it will be because they constitute and represent something very, very dear or because they trigger emotional memories, what we popularly call nostalgia. My bitch Lola was a mascot endearing, impossible to forget today. Laura is a dear friend, she is always present in good and bad situations.
In another order of things, are the situations or certain activities that due to their importance or because of the pleasure that causes the fact of carrying them out become endearing as well as a person, a pet, an object.
The graduates trip to the town from Bariloche I remember it as one of my most endearing trips. Go to the countryside from my grandmother is an endearing plan, I never refuse.The word endearing is closely linked to others such as: close, close, intimate, cordial, appreciated, affectionate and dearInstead, it is directly opposed to concepts such as: cold, distant, indifferent.
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