Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2014
The concept of infidelity is widely used in our language to refer to the lack or absence of fidelity of someone to another individual with whom you have a loving, family or family relationship friendship. However, it is also often used when someone does not respect a commitment made to another person.
The infidelity of partner: the most popular
The most common infidelity is that which occurs within the framework of a Relationship stable and that consists of one of the spouses or boyfriends cheating on the other with another person, that is, they have an affair, a sexual relationship with another person outside the relationship, thus violating the tacit or explicit agreement of monogamy.
Likewise, infidelity will be considered to be that inclination or flirtation that is maintained with another, even if there has been no sex.
Now, it is worth mentioning that infidelity can also occur in another framework of relationships, although, it is not so common that it is referred to as infidelity because precisely the concept that concerns us is more than anything associated with that deception between boyfriends or spouses, that is, between those who maintain a link
lovingformal and that it has already been several years duration.Infidelity is a typically human behavior and that of course has existed since man first stepped on the planet. Although there is no single cause that triggers an infidelity, it is usually triggered by the wear and tear in the life of the couple.
There are many couples who manage to recover after the succession of an infidelity, for example by performing therapy as a couple, but there are also others who cannot regain their confidence in the other and then they end up dissolving.
Always, infidelity causes enormous pain and annoyance in those who cheat and in some extreme cases the anger is such that even crimes of passion can be unleashed to avenge it.
Fidelity, the other side
Meanwhile, the opposite concept to infidelity is fidelity. Fidelity is nothing more than behaving with loyalty for another with whom an affective bond is maintained, that is, not to cheat or lie to him by maintaining a casual relationship with one or more people.
Themes in Infidelity