Sentences With Verb, Subject, Predicate And Article
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
Sentences are a set of words that express a complete idea, it is a grammatical unit that is structured by two main components: subject and predicate. Let's explain below what each component of the sentence consists of:
1. Subject
The subject is a word or set of words that are the referent of the predicate: the subject has the function of performing, causing or suffering the verbal action, so that answers the question who?:
- “you guys they waste a lot of water ”: the subject is your, answer the question Who waste?
The subject can be a noun or pronoun that sometimes goes determined by a Article(the, the, the, the, one, one, one, one) or an adjective. It can also be complemented by an adjective or phrase. For example:
- “The (Article) dog barked at intruders ”: the subject the dog is formed by the noun dog and the article the, that determines it.
2. Predicate
The predicateis the part of the sentence that tells us something about the subject, except in impersonal sentences, which lack a subject:
- "Mario distribute your products online”: The predicate distribute your products online informs us of an action (distribute) carried out by the subject
The central element of the predicate o predicate core is a conjugated verb, which agrees in person and number with the subject:
- "Her It seems happy ”: the core of the predicate is the verb It seems, which is consistent with the subject
3. Verbs and articles
As for verbs and articles, they are classes of words that we can find both in the subject and in the predicate:
- The Article will always determine a noun. For example: "The trees give a great shade" (the article the determines trees; Article a, in shade).
- The verb can have two main functions: the predicate core (the main verb of the sentence) and subject (in the case of verbs in infinitive). For example me I'm very happy ”(the verb I'm is the core of the predicate); “Succeedit was question of time ”(the verb succeed is the subject and the verb it was is the core of the predicate).
- Continue reading: Sentences with nouns and adjectives
100 Sentences with verb, subject, predicate and article:
In each of the following examples, the subject is underlined Y the predicate is highlighted in bold. Also, in parentheses you specify what are the verbs (v.) and the articles (art.):
- ¡you guys (subject) close (v.) the (art.) door (predicate)!
- The volume (subject) was (v.) fairly tall.
- Adelabathes (v.) on the (art.) Beach.
- The (art.) agentfind out (v.) what happened (v.).
- The (art.) my niece's babywas born (v.) Yesterday.
- A (art.) babyI cry (v.) All night long.
- The (art.) Paco's horse it is (v.) very meek.
- The (art.) Red carruns (v.) quickly in the (art.) highway.
- The (art.) young guyIt can (v.) to sleep (v.)
- The (art.) costthis (v.) very high
- The (art.) stereosounds (v.) very well
- The (art.) excess spicinessproduces (v.) gastritis
- The (art.) jarhave (v.) a (art.) medicine
- The (art.) catI used to eat (v.) a (art.) special food
- The (art.) catmy neighbor meows (v.) all the (art.) day.
- The (art.) catthis (v.) sad
- The (art.) black cat it is (v.) very big.
- The (art.) vegetable patchhave (v.) land
- The (art.) horse rider he left (v.) to ride (v.) today
- The (art.) younghave (v.) the (art.) peter pan syndrome
- The (art.) Lionthis (v.) sleeping (v.)
- The (art.) lionessjump (v.) on its prey
- A (art.) doctorhe told me (v.) all the (art.) truth.
- The (art.) afraidinvade (v.) my body
- The (art.) young guy have (v.) what to sleep (v.) early
- The (art.) worldthis (v.) overcrowdedby (art.) people
- The (art.) boylearned (v.) some (art.) new games today
- A (art.) little girldrew (v.) flowers in a (art.) notebook
- The (art.) number of unemployedhas grown (v.) in the (art.) last years.
- The (art.) payment of the (art.) lightthis (v.) very high
- The (art.) dogsleep(v.) under the (art.) tree
- The (art.) dogsick (v.) for not putting (v.) a vaccine
- The (art.) cousinhe ate (v.) the (art.) food
- The (art.) producermarked (v.) the (art.) scenes from the (art.) movie one after another
- The (art.) teacherExplain (v.) how to write (v.) a (art.) test
- The (art.) professor Miguelteaches (v.) math in a very easy way
- The (art.) teacheralways explain (v.) very well (art.) lessons
- The (art.) Mr. Miguelit is (v.) a (art.) gentleman in all (art.) extension of the (art.)
- The (art.) boyhave (v.) a lot of hair
- The (art.) neighbourhit (v.) a (art.) car parked in front of your house
- The (art.) Mrs. Marceladrive (v.) a (art.) black car
- The (art.) miss comes (v.) very tired; should (v.) to work (v.) less
- The (art.) musiciansgo (v.) to touch (v.) on the (art.) townthe (art.) next month
- The (art.) brown walletthis (v.) Almost empty
- The (art.) black bed this (v.) very soft
- The (art.) songit reaches me (v.) to the heart
- The (art.) singerjazz has (v.) very good voice
- The (art.) Scraphinders (v.) a lot of
- The (art.) computerit is (v.) very fast
- The (art.) spoonhave (v.) a (art.) food stain
- The (art.) statuethis (v.) made of salt
- The (art.) faith it is (v.) how to climb (v.) a (art.) steep slope
- The (art.) chickenput (v.) 80 eggs this month
- The (art.) cathave (v.) the (art.) black hair
- The (art.) chocolate milkknows (v.) very rich.
- The (art.) mother Rositawants (v.) paint (v.) the (art.) convent.
- The (art.) bagthis (v.) full of clothes
- The (art.) Juliet's momit is (v.) a (art.) very goodperson
- The (art.) tidethis (v.) high today.
- The (art.) womanfell silent (v.) upon meeting him
- The (art.) wristthis (v.) broken and ugly
- The (art.) musicI don't like very tall (v.)
- The (art.) little girlI used to eat (v.) fruit in the (art.) Park
- The (art.) little girlfinished (v.) your homework quickly.
- The (art.) moviethis (v.) dubbed (v.) to the (art.) Spanish
- The (art.) professorlet (v.) some homework (art.) 100 math facts
- The (art.) featherwrite (v.) blue
- The (art.) last weekwe had (v.) a (art.) difficult english exam
- The (art.) Mrs. Josefinaguise (v.) very rich.
- The (art.) Mslied (v.) again
- The (art.) pasta soupknows (v.) very rich.
- The (art.) Carmen's neighborthis (v.) selling (v.) a (art.) homeon the (art.) Beach
- The (art.) lolita life it is (v.) very dramatic
- The (art.) lifetime it goes (v.) as the (art.) late
- The (art.) antsthey walk (v.) in order by (art.) yard
- The (art.) may morningsThey are (v.) very hot in this city.
- The (art.) nunsthey prepared (v.) nails (art.) cookies to sell (v.) by (art.) afternoon
- The (art.) plantsthey live (v.) a lot of
- The (art.) black scissorshave (v.) little edge
- The (art.) Summer Vacationis it so (v.) very close.
- The (art.) studentsthey study (v.) a (art.) Foreign language
- The (art.) my brother's friendsThey are (v.) very fun
- The (art.) rabbitsdrank (v.) the (art.) stream water
- The (art.) contemporaries They are (v.) mexican writers
- The (art.) fingersthey play the (art.) piano
- The (art.) migrantscome in (v.) To united states
- The (art.) kidsis it so (v.) training all the (art.) day
- The (art.) kidsmake (v.) noisy
- The (art.) kidsthey play(v.) in the park
- The (art.) kidsneed (v.) to go (v.) to (art.) school to learn (v.) many things
- The (art.) kidsbreak (v.) the (art.) piñata
- The (art.) stray dogsThey are (v.) a social problem
- The (art.) dogsis it so (v.) little ones
- The (art.) cops from my citythey fulfilled (v.) with your work during the (art.) assault very efficiently
- The (art.) soldiershelp (v.) to (art.) disaster population
- The (art.) verbsThey are (v.) to express (v.) a (art.) action
- Methe (art.) Friday I'm going (v.) nails on (art.) friendsto take (v.) coffee for the (art.) late.
- The (art.) Red shoesis it so (v.) very cute.
- Live (v.) the (art.) lifetimeIt is not (v.) complicated
- U.S (v.) we're done nowto read (v.) the (art.) book
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- Sentences with nouns and adjectives
- Sentences with subject and predicate
- Subject
- Predicate
- Article
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Core of the predicate