Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2012
When something turns out to be unusual and unusual, or failing that, an unusual situation, the term unusual is used to account for them.
That which is not common or ordinary or predictable, and for example causes pleasant or unpleasant astonishment
It should be noted that there are two conditions without equanom for something to be unusual and they are, that on the one hand it is something singular, and on the other hand that is something you don't normally see or don't happen often.
The unusual is not foreseeable in any way and always breaks with the parameters established or expected in the situation in question.
It will attract attention either positively or negatively, and it can involve a myriad of situations.
Those strange, bizarre and extravagant questions, which also border on the ridiculous or the unexpected, qualify in the category unusual.
For example that a toad dance turns out to be something unusual, a green cat, that a three-year-old child knows how to interpret a
melody At the piano it also turns out to be an unusual event, and for a boyfriend to leave her girlfriend within minutes of saying yes at the altar is also an unusual situation.We are used to the ordinary
The unusual is what is not expected to happen or happen, because it is not ordinary or normal, people are more used to everything that conforms to normality, uses and traditions established in the community in which you live, and when something escapes those canons, be it right or wrong, will be considered as unusual and will of course generate amazement or other reactions such as the rejection.
Unusual issues tend to generate rejection in the first instance in a vast majority who appreciate them, basically, because they are not used to what happens and that is rare.
But when that situation is repeated and adding followers, for example, the fashion of wearing pink hair, it will not take long. to become something ordinary and it will no longer attract anyone's attention to go down the street and see someone with that color in their hair.
Now, we must say that many things and situations that a few decades ago were considered unusual, today, as a consequence of the acceptance and the evolution that there have been can be admitted as normal and then they do not generate astonishment.
Marriage between homosexual couples was something unexpected, impossible, and unusual at the beginning of the century past, not to mention in more remote times, but today it is a practice that is already super accepted and legitimized by the law that couples of the same get married and form a family like any heterosexual couple.
There is a famous compilation of events of all kinds, the Guinness Book of Records, which brings together the most unusual events and human achievements. unexpected, many described as feats and arising from practice or naturalness, and due to these original and unique characteristics they draw the attention of the whole world.
Its opposite: the ordinary
On the contrary, and then on the sidewalk in front of the unusual we find the Ordinary implying something common and extremely regular, which therefore does not stand out for its characteristics, or failing that, it happens frequently and regularly, as expected. “It is not something to be alarmed since Juan's is a conduct ordinary that any boy his age can observe.”
Insólito Weekly: Argentine journalistic and humor program that was notoriously successful in the eighties
While, Unusual Weekly , is the title that a popular television show with a journalistic and humorous bent, which aired between the years 1982 and 1983 for him channel 7 from Argentina, which corresponds to the public broadcaster.
The shipment stood out for being the first to cultivate a carefree style at the time of the presentation of the news. They drove it Adolfo Castelo, Raúl Portal, Virginia Hanglin and Raúl Becerra.
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