Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
Erudition, in who owns it, supposes the deep and extensive knowledge about different subjects, sciences, arts, among others, although the most common are those referring to disciplines literary and historical. “John's scholarship on the Middle Ages It is really impressive.”
Deep and extensive knowledge on various subjects, arts and sciences, which is attainable through study and accumulated experience
This deep and extensive knowledge can only be achieved through the years and thanks to study ceaseless knowledge in question. Because beyond the innate capacity or natural disposition that an individual can present towards this or that matter, nobody, but nobody, not even the greatest The scholar of history comes out of the belly of his mother knowing everything, but on the contrary, knowledge is only available through the aforementioned: the study.
The process of knowledge or instruction is the one that will allow a person to acquire general or particular knowledge of a given field and is the direct path to scholarship, Without a doubt.
Formal instruction opens the way
The learning It is not only essential when it comes to becoming a scholar, but it is also relevant to be able to effectively integrate into the social sphere and the corresponding labor market.
Those people who do not comply with this process will be left out of any possibility of progress.
For example, it is essential that the state promote the education and its affordability at all social levels, so that no one is left out of it and everyone has the same possibilities in life.
The formal instruction offered by any education system begins at an early age, of course that in that beginning the activities and knowledge to be apprehended will be in relation to the child's years so that she can internalize them effectively. In this initiatory process, the emphasis is placed on the child's socialization, on the interaction with her peers and with the closest adults.
Later, with growth, the activities and knowledge will become more sophisticated and involve the development of skills for the apprehension of more complex knowledge such as being mathematicians, about biology, or about language, among others. And little by little more science will be added when you leave the primary level and move on to the secondary level.
In secondary school, the concepts learned in primary school are deepened with the mission of preparing the student for their possible foray into university.
At this school stage, from what has been said, is that the instruction offered is varied and is closely related to the needs that the student may have in the future.
Many secondary schools often offer students special orientations, in accounting, economy, communication, among others, in order to precisely prepare them for the university career they choose.
Among the traditional and no longer formal ways through which people can obtain knowledge, especially that knowledge that does not give us the school, the following stand out: reading books, reading documents, hours of reflection about those matters about which you are learning, practices of all kinds tending, for example, to demonstrate some of the issues learned through reading books and intellectual discussions that can be held with colleagues, among the most common.
Meanwhile, the person who has the aforementioned erudition is known as scholar. A scholar will be that individual who is instructed in different sciences, arts or disciplines, that is, the scholar is in some way a sage who can speak with enough authority on the subjects of which he has an important knowledge.
In ancient times, the scholar was associated with the image of an elderly man who was a source of consultation for the rulers and the rest of society that would like to consult it, at present, the word is associated with those who know a lot about a theme.
“Juan is a scholar when it comes to the Middle Ages, you should consult him.”