Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
The term input is used to refer to all those implements that serve a specific purpose and that can be referred to as raw materials, specifically useful for different activities and processes. The recourse to certain inputs always has to do with productive activities that aim at the realization of another more complex good and that implies a greater process of elaboration. When the input is used in combination with other more or less complex inputs for production of other types of products, are no longer considered as such since they have lost their characteristics essential.
There are different types of inputs that can be useful in different types of situations or activities. While some inputs are useful for a single type of activity, others may be components of various manufactured products. Obviously, the more unique and difficult to obtain the input, the higher or higher its price will be, which will also increase the costs of the final product. This happens for example with inputs such as certain
natural resources difficult to access, exclusive food products, etc.Supplies are the essential part of everything productive process and not having them is one of the main reasons why a industry you can see stop. The main causes of lack of inputs can be the shortage of the same in certain regions (which makes getting them elsewhere extremely expensive), the rise in prices, the presence of factors externalities that can contribute to their scarcity, etc.
In many productive environments the workforce It is also considered an input of vital importance since it is responsible for linking all the production processes between the primary product and the finished product. At the same time, labor can present the same problems as the rest of the material inputs in terms of its access, its maintenance, etc.
Issues in Input