Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2019
Languages have their own life and are, in some way, living and natural realities. If we take Spanish as a reference, it is a language Romance that comes from Latin and that throughout its history has incorporated terms from Arabic, French, Italian and a host of Americanisms.
An alternative to natural languages are artificial languages or constructed languages. These are artificially created languages. One of these languages is precisely Interlingua. It was created in 1951 and its main promoter was the German translator and linguist Alexander Gode.
The International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) and the Pro Interlingua World Union are the organisms that have promoted the diffusion of this language. Among the most widespread artificial languages are Esperanto, Interlingua, Volapük and Lojban (the latter was created in 1987 with criteria based on the logic first order).
Distinguishing its grammatical characteristics
This artificial language is formed from different Romance languages, but also from Russian, German and English. With regard to grammar rules, it is based on the rules of English in a preferential way.
It is him Article determined and does not present any variation (equivalent to the, the, the, the and the). Adjectives are invariable in gender and number. The personal pronouns in singular They are io, tu, ille, illa and illo. The infinitive of verbs is the same as in Spanish, since they end in ar, er or ir and as for the pronunciation of the letters, most are pronounced the same as in Spanish. All the grammar rules of this language were designed with criteria of simplicity and simplification.
Interlingua, like Esperanto, is an auxiliary language that aims to promote communication at the international level
Throughout its history, the promoters of this language have launched some projects: news bulletins for dissemination, the use of this language in scientific congresses, abstracts of articles related to medicine, dictionaries, international conferences for the study of artificial languages, etc.
Like other languages, they are presented in two different versions: the Peano Interlanguage or Latin sine flexione and the Interlingua established by the IALA
Both Interlingua and Esperanto are intended to be ways of communication for a world without borders. However, the adoption of an artificial language to favor human relations it has not become a reality.
For many linguists, artificial languages are doomed to failure and are nothing but beautiful utopias.
Fotolia photos: higyou / angkritth
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