Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2014
The rule ISO 9001, or also known simply as ISO 9001, is an international standard about quality management system and that is precisely attributed to all those public or private companies that effectively dispose of all those elements that are necessary to have a quality management that satisfies one hundred percent the needs and expectations of its customers.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) It is the body that is in charge of developing this norm that concerns us and many others related to the production of products and services. It not only monitors that certain standards are met in the products that are produced but also ensures the safety inherent to them.
This entity was created in 1947 in Switzerland and is made up of a group of organisms standardizers in more than 150 countries.
Being a non-governmental body, ISO, does not have a police power to enforce certain conditions, however, what it does is work from consensus so that the needs and demands of both sectors, companies and users, are met satisfactorily.
How are ISO standards developed?
In a first stage, a systematic review is carried out. Next, a general design is drawn up. Subsequently, a committee of experts prepares a draft. Then the draft international standard is presented. The final draft of the standard is then approved and finally published. This process takes place over a period ranging from 3 to 5 years.
The set of standards included in ISO 9001 are being renewed in different versions. Thus, the first version dates from 1987 and the last one was approved in 2015. The ISO 9001 standards present the following guidelines and recommendations: 1) in the first three chapters a series of generalities is discussed (objective and field of application, normative references and main definitions) and 2) between chapters 4 and 10 the different elements of quality management systems appear (context of the organization, leadership, planning, medium, evaluation performance, system improvement ...).
It is de rigueur that clients will always opt for those suppliers and companies that have this certification, because of course, it will guarantee the fact that the company has a correct management system quality. That is to say, having the ISO 9001 standard is because the company went through all the required controls and finally got a ten in the matter of administration with quality.
Furthermore, this standard is so recognized worldwide as a guarantee of quality that companies boast of having it in their promotional advertisements.
The survey that is carried out in relation to this standard is carried out by a qualified professional in the field, every six months, approximately, and after that audit that it develops, it will be possible to evaluate whether or not it corresponds to extend the ISO 9001 Standard to the company in question.
It should be noted that the management model proposed by ISO can be implemented in any activity, it is adapted to any product and service and to any size of company.
The latest version of ISO 9001 has seven general principles:
1) the satisfaction of the client,
2) the leadership of the entity,
3) the participation of employees,
4) a process-based approach,
5) a constant improvement approach,
6) evidence-based decision making and
7) proper management of relationships.
The ISO 9001 standard aims to improve quality management in a comprehensive sense. For this, emphasis is placed on customer satisfaction, a culture of prevention and environmental protection.
Companies that meet all the established requirements receive an official certification from the ISO organization. With this certification, an entity achieves a double objective: its commitment to quality and that its clients recognize its effort in constant improvement.
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