Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Jan. 2009
Those are called special objects, individuals or conditions that are considered unique or particular in relation to the majority.
Those things or entities that are considered individually or socially different from the majority are special, with a unique added value that others do not have, either for personal, cultural or other reasons nature.
Something that is suitable or proper for a specific effect is special, something that has a specific purpose above others, what is distinguished from the majority groups as belonging to a distinctive class.
There are different ways and causes by which something is classified as special. The most common case is to refer to what is special for one or a group. This categorization has an intrinsic relationship with the value emotional or subjective of an object, such as a game, a garment or a memory of the childhood, a relationship that is sustained with a person, a moment in the life of a person, a place or a thought. In this sense, the special is determined individually or in a group, but it does not have a
correspondence objective nor with a perspective majority. What is special for one is not for another.Another way of referring to special things or entities is when they are classified as such in various institutional settings. For example, special units of the militia, the policeman or from some local or national organization. This distinction assumes that they are better or more specialized for a purpose than the rest and, therefore, have an added value to be considered above the majority. A Unit For example, it can be dedicated to the resolution of conflicts between two nations or criminal investigations.
It is also commonly called special to the needs or capacities that a certain group of people have, either due to disabilities physical or intellectual, or because they have psychic or personal characteristics that distinguish them from the rest, such as a gifted child or autistic.
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