Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2016
Certain cities of the ancient world have passed into posterity and their legacy lives on today. Athens symbolizes the cradle of democracy and the origin of the tradition western. Rome was the capital of an empire that changed the course of human history. Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, became an exponent of Greek culture and science. And the city-state of Sparta represents imperishable values: freedom from outside interventionism and the idea of community over the individual.
Historical origin and structure of society
This city-state was founded by the Dorians in the lX century BC. C. The power of Sparta remained until its integration in the Roman Empire in the 11th century BC. C. During this period the Spartans, also known as Lacedaemonians, imposed a system of government ironclad and with strict military values.
Society was divided into three social groups: free citizens or Spartiates, foreigners who lived on the periphery known as periecos, and slaves or helots. Regarding the form of government, there was an aristocratic monarchy with two kings who were considered descendants of Heracles. The tasks of government and
administration Justice were managed by a council of elders or Gerusía, which was made up of the two kings and a group of 28 citizens elected by acclamation by the people (the Ephors). On a lower level there was a Assembly popular formed by free Spartans over 30 years old.A militarized society
The Spartans were admired and feared in their day and are still remembered today for their bravery before the Persians defending the Thermopylae pass with 300 soldiers against an immense army.
At the time of birth, inspectors checked whether the newborn was in good health, otherwise it would be euthanized. During his childhood the kids They were trained not to fear the dark and from 7 to 11 years old they underwent severe military training known as agogé.
When adolescence was reached, the boys had to undergo a ritual in which they received harsh lashes to demonstrate their physical and mental strength. Male Spartans were destined to be warriors and remained in the army until they were 60 years old. Agricultural or craft activities were carried out by foreigners or slaves.
Although marriage was mandatory, bisexuality and homosexuality they were accepted with absolute normality. Young women exhibited themselves naked to men and there was a deeply ingrained sexual permissiveness, to the point that jealousy and adultery were strange behaviors.
Photos: Fotolia - sila5775 / Christos Georghiou
Themes in Sparta