Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Sep. 2008
Stress is a state of absence of calm of an organism in the face of the demands that the environment provides. In general, everyday life imposes a series of challenges on us that require continuous adaptation on our part in order to survive; This adaptation is achieved by mobilizing the resources internal that we own. It can be asserted from this perspective that a minimum amount of stress is part of the normal development of any organism in order to develop. However, when these demands exceed the resources available to face them, the consequences are reflected in a detriment to quality of life.
Indeed, in the presence of a challenging situation of any nature (physical, psychological or social), the organisms The human being is prepared to cope with change through a series of modifications of the metabolism. On the one hand, it increases the heart rate, blood pressure and the release of different stimulating substances, such as adrenaline and norepinephrine. This process results in a greater flow of blood to the muscles, an increase in concentration, dilation of the pupils and a higher level of alertness. These variations are highly effective during an acute situation, as they allow the person to prepare either to face the potential
threat or to flee (what Anglo-Saxon scientists call "F&F": fight or flight, fight or escape).However, when the "threat" is not really an acute process, these changes that would be beneficial in a emergency they become harmful, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, depressive manifestations, distress, and even mortality. This "chronic stress" is called by many experts "distress".
A) Yes, in modern societies the challenges they face are often excessively overwhelming and predispose to various conditions, both physical and mental. In particular in the workplace, stress is becoming more and more evident, leading to economic losses due to lack of productivity, in addition to the affected health of the staff.
Typical symptoms of stress are: headaches, sweaty hands, back pain, general tiredness, social isolation, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, irritability, sexual impotence, decreased libido, gastritis, ulcers, chronic diarrhea or constipation, etc. There are also studies that associate stress with obesity and with the development of cardiovascular diseases.
It is interesting to note that stress is not exclusive to adults, since it is verified that this condition also occurs in the extreme ages of life. There is stress in children and adolescents, sometimes with an increased risk of alterations of the conduct. The presence of this disease of modern times in the elderly is also described, with a considerable increase in cases of depression and anxiety in these individuals.
One of the curious aspects to consider is that those countries with more developed economies, where basic needs are covered for Most of the population, and where there is higher levels of consumption, suffer from as much or more levels of stress than that observed in countries underdeveloped. For many experts, the modern way of life carries a strange cause-and-effect relationship with stress. On the one hand, the demands of reality motivate the permanent activation of the biological and psychological mechanisms that give rise to stress. On the other hand, the own stress interferes with the rhythm of life, generating numerous difficulties in social, work, cultural and family relationships, the result of which... is the perpetuation of stress.
The most efficient way to deal with harmful stress is to limit obligations to a measure more appropriate to the resources available.; This requires the establishment of priorities and secondary tasks. It is also important to perform physical activities to relieve tension and clear the mind. In this sense, martial arts offer a vein of great interest throughout the world, especially when they include a high quota of philosophical components.
A relevant help for extreme cases can be provided by psychotherapy, either with the use of drugs or without them. Likewise, there are resources such as non-sports leisure tasks, among which the arts stand out, such as literature, painting, plastic arts in general, singing and, par excellence, the theater. Perhaps the greatest difficulty in approaching stress is the need to modify lifestyle habits, since it is essential recognize the presence of the problem, in such a way as to make an adequate approximation to identify which are the circumstances that they motivate you. Although in many cases work is the main driver of stress, social relationships and the urban context are causes that cannot be ignored when a comprehensive approach to this growing condition in the population is proposed general.
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