Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
Generally speaking, the word exotic is used as a qualifying adjective to mark the character of strange or strange that a thing, person or element possesses in certain places or spaces. However, in specific terms, scientists and specialists consider everything exotic living being (either animal or plant) that is outside your area of habitat natural and therefore foreign to the space in which it inhabits or in which it has managed to develop accidentally or voluntarily.
When we talk about a plant, an animal or an exotic fruit, we refer to elements or beings that were born in an unnatural space for them. This can happen accidentally as well as voluntarily. In the latter case, the influence and the participation Of the human being to generate such situations of exoticism is undoubtedly fundamental since he is the only one who can intentionally transport animals and plants from one natural space to another.
One of the main problems of the presence of exotic elements or beings in a given space is that which indicates the possible
threat that such strange beings can mean for the new environment in which they find themselves or to which they are introduced. Thus, a species of exotic animals can alter the normal development of a biome or a ecosystem.But at the same time, strangeness can be highly detrimental to transported beings since the level of adaptability to the new environment can be very low and even become a matter of life and death. This is particularly clear when it comes to the illegal sale of endangered animals or exotics that are sold at very high prices for their rarity, their beauty, their colors and their attractiveness aesthetic.
Themes in Exotic