Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Dra. Maria de Andrade, CMDF 21528, MSDS 55658., on Nov. 2015
The Eucalyptus is a tree whose leaves have a characteristic and very pleasant aroma, in addition to a series of properties medicinal products that have led it to be widely used by people suffering from respiratory problems, as well as for the manufacturing of furniture and paper.
This tree native to Australia reaches 65 meters in height and more than 700 species are known, some of them are resistant to very cold temperatures of several degrees below zero.
Effects of eucalyptus on the respiratory tract
Although beneficial effects are attributed to it in a large number of conditions, the effects of eucalyptus are more evident at the level of the respiratory tract.
Eucalyptus is able to make secretions more liquid which facilitates their expulsion, this helps to relieve discomfort such as cough and prevent colonization by germs that cause serious infections such as bacteria.
Another beneficial effect is its anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes, the inhalation of eucalyptus vapors helps to decongest the sinuses paranasal and nasal mucosa which reduces pain and congestion that accompanies diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis and bronchitis.
An antibacterial effect has also been described, eucalyptus is capable of inhibiting the growth of various bacteria and even eliminate them, this effect is of great help to combat respiratory tract infections when their vapors. It is also used to disinfect environments by vaporizing the essential oil in closed spaces or burning its dry leaves.
Eucalyptus is a component of a large number of medicines
Eucalyptus essential oil is a preparation that is used in the elaboration of medicines such as cough syrups with phlegm, for their fluidizing effect on secretions and expectorant, which helps to expel them more easily, relieving symptoms such as coughing and congestion nasal.
Eucalyptus trees are not very popular with farmers
Although eucalyptus is good for health and helps to reforest and stabilize sloping soils avoiding landslides, it is a great enemy of crops.
Eucalyptus roots usually grow in mirror with the tree, that is, they reach the same length but in the opposite direction, destroying what they get in their path such as wall bases, pipes and even underground wells. They absorb large amounts of Water Y nutrients so they impoverish the I usually, being capable in addition to producing substances that prevent the growth of other plants.
In general, in soils where there are eucalyptus, other plant species do not grow, which limits the possibilities of culture, making it also necessary to continually fertilize the soil.
Photos: iStock - Gwenvidig / Kaszojad
Themes in Eucalyptus