Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
When the term expository is used, it is referring to the quality of an object or individual. This quality is related to the possibility that such object or individual is exposed or shown before a certain type of public. Exhibiting or having the quality of being expository implies making oneself known to another, it can be before a single individual, before several or before a crowd. The verb exposing is related to the idea of exhibiting something as well as that of, through that exhibition, making it more understandable or knowable.
The term expository is used mainly to refer to certain types of texts that are made in such a way that they expose or show their ideas in a precise and evident way. For example, a treaty, agreement, or test on a certain subject they can be expository texts since they establish something specific.
The expository quality can also be applied to a person, when he / she has the facility to expose or exhibit their ideas before a more or less large audience, and do it in a clear, concise and attractive way according to the type of audience that have.
Finally, expository can be used in turn to refer to the quality of elements that are being exhibited in an exhibition and that, therefore, they are there for various individuals to know. These exhibitions can be really very varied not only in terms of what is exhibited but also in terms of the space where the exhibition takes place. exposition, the public, the duration, the variety of elements, etc.
The notion of exhibition comes from that of exhibition, symbolizing the exhibition or the presentation of a theme, an object or an individual to someone who receives that information. Exposure of such elements can be momentary and ephemeral as well as something durable that keeps for several days or weeks so that people can enjoy it.
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