Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Jan. 2017
The email is one of the oldest services of Internet, sinking its roots to the sixties of the last century.
It is also one of the most popular and used services today, indispensable for business relationships, and widely used in personal relationships.
That is why it has acquired great importance as an information and marketing channel and advertising. And to use it in such a way, the tool the most powerful we have is the newsletter.
A newsletter consists of sending an email message periodically, with content that generally leads to a website
For example, many media communication They allow us to receive the news that they publish in our email, in a comfortable way, either on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, etc.
There are companies that have their own newsletter to communicate your new products, services and news related to your activity, to your clients and potential clients. There are also those who, from his personal blog, create a newsletter to promote yourself.
Creating a newsletter is not difficult. It takes two things: a tool and a list of addresses
Tools can be fully on-line (services hosted in the cloud), or be installed locally and send when we are connected to the Internet (although, eventually, we can compose the message while offline).
One of the most used today is Mailchimp, although we can find thousands of options, many of them free and in the form of software free.
The database of addresses to which to send the newsletter we can weave it manually, although the most common is to use the same creation tools, administration and sending newsletters, since these usually incorporate a system for collecting and managing email addresses.
For collection, these programs allow inserting into a Web page a widget so that Internet users can subscribe and manage their subscription (for example, unsubscribe).
Although in almost all countries there are laws that prohibit the unsolicited subscription to a newsletter and the sending of advertising through email without prior explicit consent, the truth is that it is a common practice in Internet
Especially when it comes to shipments between countries, or companies that know that for a reason or other, they will hardly be exposed to be fined, many times we find that they have subscribed to us to newsletters that not only we have not requested, but, in addition, we are not interested in the least.
How have they been able to get hold of our email address if we have not given it to them?
It is very easy but, at the same time, there are several ways to get there; It may be that it belongs to a company associated with another, having agreed to share our address with other companies of the same group or associates.
It may also be that our address appears in a database that has been stolen from the company from which Yes we have given you permission to use it, or it may be that our address has been "guessed" using a software to create databases of this type.
Photos: Fotolia - vitavalka / Julien
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