Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2016
We say that someone has a notion about an issue when he has a vague and insufficient idea about it. In a second sense, having a notion of something implies that you have a general knowledge of a subject. In any case, in both senses reference is made to an elementary and little elaborated form of knowledge.
The knowledge process in any activity
When we learn something new we become familiar with the essential aspects of an area or activity. If we think about him learning of the reading, the child begins by studying the letters and their sounds and little by little is able to read; first single words and later small texts. In this initial phase, the child has some notions, that is, he knows some basic tools (for example, the alphabet) but he is not yet able to perform an elaborate reading. Thus, when we start an activity we only handle the primary tools of the same and we say that we have some notions, which can be of a foreign language, of gardening, of He drew, guitar or any other activity in which there is a gradual learning process.
As you acquire certain skill Y skill in one area, we stop being a beginner or a hobbyist and become someone gifted who can become a professional very qualified. In fact, when it is indicated that a person is a professional, it is affirming that that individual knows a subject well and, therefore, his knowledge goes beyond simple notions.
The tendency to specialize
Continuing with the learning process of any area or activity, there is a scheme general:
1) initial phase in which you have rudimentary notions,
2) consolidation of knowledge and
3) definitive specialization.
Let's illustrate this scheme with the example of the medical profession:
1) the university student has some notions of medicine,
2) the knowledge acquired is consolidated and
3) a doctor cannot know all of medicine as a whole and needs to specialize in a specific branch.
Having notions of something is an important step but it is not enough
The most complex activity that we can imagine begins in a very basic way. In most cases in a short time it is possible to have some notions about any subject. However, some notions are of little use.
Consider a student of English who knows a little grammar, has a small vocabulary (for example, 500 words) and understands a simple conversation only if they speak very slowly. In this case, it could be affirmed that said student has some notions of English, with which it is possible to handle the language in a very limited and insufficient way.
Photos: Fotolia - Sergey Nivens / Africa Studio
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