Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2016
It comes from the Latin tellus, which means earth. As for its use, it can refer to the internal movements of the earth or to a literary style, tellurism.
Telluric movements
Geology studies the internal movements of the Earth. The interior of our planet has three concentric layers: the core, the mantle and the Earth crust. This last layer is made up of large structures that move in different directions and intensities, and this circumstance causes different movements and shocks. Some of these movements or earthquakes are very destructive and are known as earthquakes.
The internal movements of the Earth or telluric movements are extremely slow in normal situations (2.5 cm per year) and, therefore, are imperceptible. However, when the tectonic plates move in the opposite direction, tremors or earthquakes of a certain intensity occur.
Seismologists began to study telluric movements from the observable effects and intensity of the tremors. Over time they focused on internal geological processes. In any case, a
earthquake or earthquake is the consequence of Energy released into the Earth's interior.In literary creation
Some literary works are considered telluric and for this reason they speak of narrative tellurism. The telluric factor could be understood as the effect that the earthly and territorial has on the description of the narrative atmosphere.
The literature Hispano-American has an obvious telluric dimension. In this sense, many novels and stories describe the internal forces of nature as an element that conditions the temperament of individuals. Thus, the tropical forest or the pampas have their own internal energy and that force it ends up mysteriously seeping into human relationships.
In the first half of the 20th century, a literary trend known as the telluric novel emerged in Latin America. This trend has several characteristics
1) interest in rural spaces and the urban landscape,
2) social issues and
3) the relationship between the individual and the society that surrounds him.
The Venezuelan Rómulo Gallegos, the Argentine Ricardo Güiraldes or the Colombian José Eustasio Rivera are some of the highest representatives of the novel telluric, a current that is considered the precedent of magical realism.
Photos: Fotolia - Xuejun li / BillionPhotos
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