Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2015
Teleworking is a type of work activity that has been tax with great extension as a consequence of the rise of new technologies and their full irruption in the labor market. It basically consists of developing work outside and away from the office or the company that has hired us and making use of technology as tool essential to perform the work in question, computers, Internet, telephony mobile, among the basic technological and communication channels involved.
These tools that we mention, today, turn out to be enough to carry out many jobs in today's workplace, so, any worker who has a computer, Internet connection and a cell phone can efficiently carry out his work, even if he is not in the office.
Benefits for companies and workers
In the teleworking employment relationship there are benefits for all parties, for the company there will be benefits associated especially with the costs that generates having employees working from an office, and on the other hand, in the case of employees the main advantages will be given by the side of the freedom of being able to develop work from home or from anywhere with an internet connection, you can even do it from the Foreign. And there will also be economic benefits for the employee, since he will not have mobility expenses for coming and going to the company every day.
New technologies allow it
Of course, a few decades ago when technology was not widespread to the extent that it is today, promoting multiple ways of communication virtual: email, social networks, chats, videoconferences, this work alternative of telecommuting was unthinkable, that is, all workers yes or yes They had to carry out their work from the company for which they worked and it was not feasible to work for a foreign company if the concrete transfer to that country, however, today, through the aforementioned virtual contact channels that is no longer necessary and work is not misses efficiency, which of course is the most important thing, not to lose competitiveness and satisfaction in the task that is carried out.
Other advantages that are indicated in favor of the employee are: reduction of stress, greater autonomy, increased productivity, among the most important.
Photos: iStock. deimagine / svetikd
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