Definition of Cellular Telephony
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
We understand by telephony mobile to that system of communication that occurs from the use of small elements or 'cells' that are known as cellular. Cellular telephony is one of the most important and widespread advances in the world in recent years and has reached millions of people has to do with the ease and comfort that it gives its customers to communicate from anywhere and to any hour.
Cellular telephony must tell with an element basic in order to function as such: the cell phone or cellular device. This is nothing more and nothing less than a telephone of small dimensions that has a telephone connection to mobile telephony networks that are not the same as those of telephony conventional or traditional. The connection between both parties (the telephone system and the cellular device) is through waves or frequencies that go by other ways than that of regular telephony. Due precisely to this possibility of being mobile, the cell phone allows the person to move quietly anywhere without depending on cables or static devices that must be kept in a specific space.
As a consequence of this technological advance, regular telephony has largely lost its place as an element of communication and if to this is added the fact that more and more cell phones have become more complex, adopting and adapting alternative functions that are not directly related to telephony (among which we must mention connection to the network virtual or Internet), it is understandable think that in the future landlines will have already disappeared. Despite the fact that mobile or cellular telephony is proportionally more expensive than fixed telephony, the possibilities of payment plans and the comfort they provide make it a step forward without turning back.
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