Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, on Feb. 2015
A person stubborn is one who has difficulties to dialogue in an objective way with another person because she is too enclosed in her own ideas and does not listen to the ideas of the interlocutor. A attitude characteristic of a stubborn person is to remain immovable in his point of view on a particular subject even when the interlocutor provides compelling reasons that prove otherwise.
A difficult personality to deal with
A person stubborn You have a hard time changing your mind and very often have an overinterest in being right in a conversation. A stubborn person is one who is stubborn.
The stubborn hears but does not listen
From the point of view of communication, a stubborn person is one who hears but does not listen. That is to say, he does not really attend to the reasons of his interlocutor because he hopes that the other person will change his mind. The attitude of a stubborn person can sometimes be mistaken for arrogance and vanity.
A person stubborn can defend with
vehemence that you are correct (even when you are not but believe you are in possession of the truth). A stubborn person is not open minded but closed.From the point of view of self-help and overcoming personal, it is convenient to point out the positive meaning of the word stubborn. A person needs to be stubborn to assert himself in pursuing a dream beyond obstacles. A stubborn person is usually persistent and firm in his purposes.
Break with arrogance to grow
But everything has a limit and it is very healthy to enhance mental flexibility and adaptation to change instead of showing so much resistance to the idea of a possible change of beliefs. Changing your mind is very healthy, rectifying is wise and the process of learning It involves correcting mistakes, reviewing ideas and consolidating new concepts.
The qualifier of being a stubborn person refers to a trait of personal character and way of being. It is not a way of being immovable since every human being has an infinite capacity for improvement, he can enhance his strengths and relativize his weaknesses. The value of the modesty In communication interpersonal to learn of truth and reach the concept of truth. Not always what one believes is true. In that case, it is wise to rectify.
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